The aim of this report is to outline and call attention to the troubling occurrences of the unfortunate eruption of Czech culture in the capital city of the Czech Republic, Prague.
Shops and Establishments
This one is relatively amazing. Over the past twelve years, there has been an extremely aggressive campaign to completely squash Czech culture by saturating the city center with shops and restaurants that are either of completely differing culture or are completely void of flavor or culture. Waffle houses, rib, wings or burger joints, furniture shops for rich people, Moleskine shops, fried fish houses. And yet, despite this, there are still some Czech establishments poking through. Contributors to our research counted as many of four (4) Czech restaurants in the city center and were horrified to find that three of those didn’t even have a burger on the menu.
Our recommended action here is scorched earth. Find these places and bring them down.
The Gentrification Campaign of the Pub
Our campaign to remove every pub with even a drop of character that might not appeal to upper-class white people from New York has been enormously successful. In their wake, we have left a hundred pubs with brass and dark wood interiors, tables, and chairs; patrons enjoy sleek menus (a burger features on each one), Wi-Fi, and absolutely no discerning characteristics from one another.
Research shows that people could not tell one center pub from another in a blindfold test (blindfolds were removed when they were brought out of the toilets). Feedback shows that patrons like this sort of bland anonymity. The only problem in this area is the occasional classic Czech pub, but these exist mostly on the periphery of the city.
Recommendation: keep pounding away and do not relent.
Attempts to bludgeon the Czech people to death with Santa Claus have been absolute. He is in Coca Cola ads on the square, he is winking at people with Rudolph-the-bloody-rednosed-bloody-rein-bloody-deer in Old Town, and he is in the chocolate ads in every British, German, and Dutch shop in the city. But still the Czechs maintain an annoying dedication to their Christmas spirit, Ježíšek (baby Jesus).
This is more remarkable when considering the fact that Jesus in baby form has little to no marketability power in the modern world. He can’t bring presents into a house, he isn’t comforting (no baby is), and his ability to grant wishes (Christmas or otherwise) seems mostly based on the proxy power of his father. More confusingly distressing is that, unlike Santa and Rudolph, Ježíšek has no real physical representation. So Czech people are forced to use their “imagination” to conjure the image of a small baby whose father grants them wishes and who can’t carry a gift without the help of an adult, but who somehow comes to their living rooms when kids ring a little bell. Insanity.
We may make some headway in a few years if we keep up deployment of Christmas movies to Netflix and to international theaters. If the occurrences of Santa can be raised (an estimated) 19%, then we may see a slow decline in Ježíšek’s popularity. Might consider cameoing both in the next Die Hard film.
Nota Bene: pass this by Bruce. Would he feel comfortable shooting a “baby Jesus” with a Glock 20?
The appearance of the Erasmus Program and study abroad programs linked to several American universities has successfully led to the almost compete obsoletion of Czech from the center. Most business people and waiters speak English to a level of capability judged to be strong enough to cope with 85.1% of the modifications American people put on their food and just below under the strength needed to understand people from New Jersey or anyone from Great Britain.
Test subjects were unable to find a Czech speaker in the city center for thirty-nine minutes, which is 22% better than the same tests done in Budapest, Paris, or Amsterdam. Notably, a similar study in New York City found a test subject unable to find an English speaking cab driver for two days and nine hours.
Still, use of the Czech language among Czechs is overwhelming. The number one reason for this seems to rely on the fact that both the speakers and both the listeners in any given conversation among two Czech people is fluent in the Czech language. Despite our ideas for squashing Czech in the center, it’s unlikely that we’ll be able to destroy its use among Czech people. But we haven’t given up yet.
Overall Recommendations
Evidence points to a strong decline of all things Czech in the city center. But we will not be happy until Czech and Czech things have fallen by the wayside. We believe that with Netflix, Santa’s drawing power, and the enormous influx of English-speaking foreigners, we’ll beat down the once mighty Czech after all. Ty vole.