
Feeding Herb the Hyena

I am a university teacher and writer living in Prague, where I moved eleven years ago in search of adventure but instead got into teaching English. I teach students who pretend to understand me and live with a cat called the B Monster who’s plotting my murder. My local pub has dedicated a table to me.

My essays have appeared on,, Žena a Život, Defenestration Magazine, and in the travel anthology, (T)here.

My first novel, Senseless, was published in August, 2011 and I am now rewriting my third novel. But sometimes I just sit in my office and daydream of opening a hotdog shop that caters exclusively to exotic dancers with large noses. I play roulette once a month (0, 9, & 26)

I invite readers to email me at dg(at), to follow me on Twitter at @dgaleone, or just send me pies.