‘Senseless’ tells the story of Phineas Troy, a once-promising journalist who instead chose the fast cash of bartending and its freewheeling lifestyle.
Until his body takes over.
In a week that starts like any other, Phineas’ senses begin to disappear, catapulting this ordinary man into an extraordinary adventure. Joining him on this wild ride are his foul-mouthed brother, a mule tender, a novel-devouring Scottish terrier and a love struck tarantula.
This novel is for the legions of underachievers and settlers who have asked in moments of clarity, “Where is my life going?” It’s for all those who have ever felt that their lives are, in some way, senseless.
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I would like to offer my sincere thanks to everyone for their wonderful support and enthusiasm. If you like the book and have a free moment, it would be great if you could rate or review it on amazon. This would really help me get a little exposure (not that kind, sickos!) on amazon.
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